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As a 3rd generation family business, acting responsibly is an integral part of our corporate culture. We take responsibility for our employees, for the quality of our products and for the impact of our business activities on society and the environment – with the aim of shaping a better future.

Work safety

Work safety and health protection are among REME’s primary corporate objectives, which are therefore an obligation and responsibility for management, supervisors and employees. The top priority of the work safety and health protection policy is to preserve the health of all people who work as employees in our company. Against this background, constant attention and safety-conscious behaviour on the part of all employees are indispensable. The improvement and further development of procedures and behaviour with regard to work safety are constantly promoted and our employees are trained in the performance of their activities and compliance with prescribed work procedures.

Quality assurance

To ensure that machines and equipment in our plants meet our high-quality standards, we develop many of them by ourselves. With uniform inspection specifications and automated inspection stations, we manufacture large quantities in consistently high quality. We use a wide range of measuring equipment for our quality control – from simple callipers to state-of-the-art 3D measuring arms. Because we know how tough everyday furniture can be, we continuously simulate rigorous endurance and stress tests on our slides in our own test lab.

Energy Management

The DIN EN ISO 50001 certification confirms that REME meets all the requirements of this standard and constantly controls and optimizes energy consumption. On the one hand, the improvements reduce energy consumption and production costs, on the other hand, they lead to lower CO2 emissions and thus reduce global climate change. With this certification, we commit ourselves to the continuous optimization of energy requirements and the resource-conserving use of non-renewable energy sources both in the production plants and in administration. Through this commitment, we assume responsibility for future generations as well as for environmental and climate protection.

» Certificate DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 (PDF)
» Appendix DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 (PDF)


For REME, sustainability is the core prerequisite for long-term economic success. It creates the conditions for our company to increase its acceptance in society and to secure its future – and thus also the jobs of its employees – in the long term. Sustainable management therefore requires a balance between several aspects: Environmental protection, occupational safety, energy management, product innovation, quality assurance, employee care, customer care, plant maintenance, etc.

Last but not least, our employees play an important role in our economic success, which is why, especially as a family-owned company, we strive to create framework conditions for our employees that help them to balance their professional and private needs as well as possible. With our company health management, we strive to maintain the satisfaction of our employees. Our company suggestion scheme and improvement management promote new ideas and provide incentives for the internal optimization of processes.


REME is a safe partner under customs law. We are certified as an Authorized Economic Operator, or AEO for short. In the course of globalization and due to growing international terrorism, the security of goods movements in international trade is becoming increasingly important. The AEO status certifies us with regard to reliability and security in international trade. AEO certification accelerates customs clearance on both the import and export sides, due to reduced controls and preferential customs treatment. It also facilitates access to further customs simplifications. Our certificate includes the customs simplification of the security-related component AEO-S (Security) and is considered the highest possible certification level on the customs side.